Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalaya (Autonomous), Latur

Research Policies

        The institute has its own set of policies to promote research. The policies of the research set by the institute mainly focus on promotion of research in the fundamental and applied fields of Humanities, Social Sciences, Commerce, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Computer Sciences, Informatics, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. The policy aims at exploitation of human mind power to gain novel knowledge in the above fields and its use for benefit of the mankind. At the same time promote social wellbeing and sustainable industrial development. They are framed with an objective to foster investigations promoting higher level of R&D work, generating innovative and patentable knowledge giving birth to a researcher of Nobel laureate level.

        These policies have been prepared with the objective of setting the direction and standards of research up to a notable mark besides assurance of quality and ethics in research progressions. Teaching faculty, researchers and students are encouraged to explore and refer to the institute’s policies and guidelines concerning significance of research, collaborative research and interdisciplinary research.

Sr.No Policies 2021-22
1 Research Promotion Policy View
2 Code of Ethics & Policy on Ethical Research View
3 Consultancy and Corporate Training View
4 Innovation, Incubation & Linkages View