We came to you when we didn’t know what to do in life, you provided advice and guidance. Then, you took us under your supervision; you showed us how life is. You gave us a fixed spot in your busy schedule and walked with us through every detail. For all your efforts we are grateful and ever indebted to you.
It is clear that you want us to learn and apply the knowledge we gain in your class. Throughout the course, you allowed us to freely express our experiences, thoughts and opinions, which helped us to gain insight into many of the concepts we learned.
We grateful to you for sharing your experience, expertise and wisdom in the hardest class we’ve had to date, yet one of our favorites. You challenged us to reach higher and further than we thought we could, while at the same time offering grace, kindness and compassion when our life was turned upside down. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Now its pleasure to meet such a professor again into your life and share the coffee in old cup…. enjoy the coffee not CUP!!!!!