Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalaya (Autonomous), Latur

Benefits of an Alumni

More Extensive Professional Network

Alumni associations are common with opportunities for expanding a graduate’s professional network.

Services for Targeted Careers

Former students can identify employment prospects and increase their chances of receiving a job offer by utilizing the wealth of career services offered by alumni organizations. For instance, career fairs bring together employers from the neighborhood and occasionally even further so that graduates can speak with business representatives in person. Career counseling, seminars, webinars, and networking events may provide helpful information about the job market. Similarly, an association may help graduates present themselves in the best possible light by providing resume and cover letter writing advice.

Access to College Resources Post Graduation/Research/Startups

In addition to career services, alumni associations may provide various resources to help former students Post Graduation/Research/Startups. This might include access to library materials, extensive journal and periodical databases, and even educational amenities on campus, such as certain labs and equipment.

Input from classmates or batch members

Another advantage of belonging to an alumni group can be the opportunity to reconnect with old classmates or batch mates. Graduates will benefit from alumni directories and online social media groups that maintain the lines of connection long after the caps and gowns have been taken off, whether this results in a professional opportunity or is simply a chance to meet up with old friends and acquaintances.

Establish contact with Professors/parent departments

Finding chances for your work and social life can be facilitated by interacting with other graduates, but you can also find plenty by getting in touch with your former teachers. This is especially true for academic research, as many academics at colleges and universities are involved in it. Graduates could get in touch with academics in their area for useful experience or advice on a specific research topic.

Connect with the Community

Many associations partner with their local community so that alumni can provide assistance to the area while also having the opportunity to build relationships with community members and leaders.

Socializing to rejuvenate

Alumni associations aren’t always all business. They offer several chances to partake in social events, such as music concerts, happy hours, and homecoming events, fun on ground, alumni award ceremonies, and class reunions. Graduates can take a break from work and post-college life and reconnect with former classmates as well as other alumni, while making social connections that could lead to lasting friendships.

Giving Back with Dignity

Graduates often want to stay connected to their alma mater and help future generations of alumni have the same opportunities and positive experiences they did. Alumni associations offer a number of ways to give back, including gifts, endowments, membership fees, and volunteer opportunities. Giving back to an alumni association is a great way to keep the school’s legacy going and ensure that future generations of students have the opportunity to pursue quality higher education.