2020-21 630 553 2021-22 464 101 260000(Two Lakh
Sixty Thousand ) 17
Ph.D Student Details
Ph.D (Student pursuing doctoral program till 2021-22 Students admitted in the academic year 2022-23 should not be entered here.)
Total Students
Full Time 72
Part Time 0
No. of Ph.D students graduated (including Integrated Ph.D)
2021-22 2020-21 2019-20
Full Time 5 2
Part Time 0 0
PG (Student pursuing MD/MS/DNB program till 2021-22 Students admitted in the academic year 2022 - 23 should not be entered here)
Number of students pursuing PG (MD/MS/DNB) program 0
No. of students Graduating in PG (MD/MS/DNB) program
2021-22 2020-21 2019-20
Online Education
1. Does all programs/courses were completed on time. Yes
2. Measures taken to complete the syllabus of courses and programs. Keeping in mind its mission ‘Pursuit of Excellence’, Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalaya (Autonomous), Latur every year prepares and
adhere to the academic calendar. The academic calendar includes semester wise teaching days, schedule for examinations, co-
curricular, and extra-curricular activities, statutory and non-statutory committee meeting schedule, etc.
•A thorough Teaching and Time Table are communicated to the students in the class and is made available on the college
•The Teaching Diary is monitored by Principal/Vice Principal at the end of month.
•In the beginning of every semester Student-Teacher-Parent meetings were conducted. Such meetings were also conducted as
per the necessity.
•Principal/Vice-Principal, Chief Coordinator, Faculty Coordinators and Class Coordinators collected online/offline feedbacks from
the students every month. The collected feedbacks were analysed and necessary actions were taken by the authority.
•All the syllabi were completed as per the schedule.
•The unit tests i.e. Unit Test-I and Unit Test-II were conducted through online mode.
•A special online Teaching Monitoring Committee was constituted by the Principal under the Chairmanship of IQAC Coordinator.
Full authority was given to the committee members to join and observe online classes, which improved the quality of teaching
learning process. Any issue raised during online teaching was resolved by conducting regular meetings.
•Due to COVID-19 pandemic, all the lectures of odd semester were conducted through online mode and lectures of even
semester were conducted offline.
•For online teaching, paid version of Microsoft Teams was used. In addition, paid version of ZOOM was used to conduct the
meetings. For instructions and notices the social media platforms WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, College Website, etc. were
effectively used.
•For effective conduct of online teaching special workshops were organized for the teachers where they got the training about the
effective use of different online platforms.
•The teachers prepared the study material and circulated through Google Classroom, Edmodo, Kahoot, Testmoz, Google Drive,
WhatsApp, etc.
•The e-contents developed by the teachers were made available to the students through YouTube and other platforms.
•The links for N-list, DELNET, National Digital Library and other e-resources were shared.
•The Semester End Examinations of UG and PG programmes were conducted online through a customized "Rajarshi Shahu
College Online App" as per the guidelines of Ministry of Education, UGC, Government of Maharashtra, and parent university.
3. The period of delay in completion of syllabus (in months). 0
4. The period of delay in conducting exams (in months). 0