5. No. of courses developed and available online on Swayam platform by your institution faculty 0
Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Capital expenditure for previous 3 years
Academic Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Utilised Amount Utilised Amount Utilised Amount
Annual Capital Expenditure on Academic Activities and Resources (excluding expenditure on buildings)
Library 361306 (Rupees Three Lakh Sixty One Thousand Three
Hundred Six) 658150 (Rupees Six Lakh Fifty Eight Thousand One Hundred
Fifty) 1855397 (Rupees Eighteen Lakh Fifty Five Thousand Three
Hundred Ninety Seven)
New Equipment for Laboratories 1544060 (Rupees Fifteen Lakh Forty Four Thousand Sixty) 2090887 (Rupees Twenty Lakh Ninety Thousand Eight
Hundred Eighty Seven) 3109420 (Rupees Thirty One Lakh Nine Thousand Four
Hundred Twenty)
Engineering Workshops 0 (Zero) 0 (Zero) 0 (Zero)
Other expenditure on creation of Capital Assets (excluding
expenditure on Land and Building) 70727 (Rupees Seventy Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty
Seven ) 595472 (Rupees Five Lakh Ninety Five Thousand Four
Hundred Seventy Two) 8892911 (Rupees Eighty Eight Lakh Ninety Two Thousand
Nine Hundred Eleven)
Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Operational expenditure for previous 3 years
Academic Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Utilised Amount Utilised Amount Utilised Amount
Annual Operational Expenditure
Salaries (Teaching and Non Teaching staff) 112974073 (Rupees Eleven Crore Twenty Nine Lakh Seventy
Four Thousand Seventy Three) 121897839 (Rupees Twelve Crore Eighteen Lakh Ninety
Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Nine) 111913736 (Rupees Eleven Crore Nineteen Lakh Thirteen
Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Six)
Maintenance of Academic Infrastructure or consumables and
other running expenditures(excluding maintenance of hostels
and allied services,rent of the building, depreciation cost, etc)
10668388 (Rupees One Crore Six Lakh Sixty Eight Thousand
Three Hundred Eighty Eight) 6879484 (Rupees Sixty Eight Lakh Seventy Nine Thousand
Four Hundred Eighty Four) 3935165 (Rupees Thirty Nine Lakh Thirty Five Thousand One
Hundred Sixty Five)
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops 298974 (Rupees Two Lakh Ninety Eight Thousand Nine
Hundred Seventy Four) 778332 (Rupees Seven Lakh Seventy Eight Thousand Three
Hundred Thirty Two) 255026 (Rupees Two Lakh Fifty Five Thousand Twenty Six)
Calendar year 2020 2019 2018
No. of Patents Published 0 0 0
No. of Patents Granted 0 0 0
Sponsored Research Details
Financial Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Total no. of Sponsored Projects 9 8 3
Total no. of Funding Agencies 3 5 2
Total Amount Received (Amount in Rupees) 985000 1238530 351000
Amount Received in Words Rupees Nine Lakh Eighty Five Thousand Rupees Twelve Lakh Thirty Eight Thousand Five Hundred
Thirty Rupees Three Lakh Fifty One Thousand
Consultancy Project Details